Frequently asked questions

The great thing about this industry is we never know who we need next!

Extras come in all ages, nationalities,, looks, shapes and sizes. We have talent ranging from babies to a 94 year old man as our talent are used to represent real people on commercials, TV Series and movies – so anyone and everyone can become an extra.

A Background Extra is the role where people may be placed in a scene to make it look realistic and create atmosphere, such as patrons seated in a café, or a crowd at a rock concert. You may be one of many, and it can involve long days, or even multiple days/weeks for continuity.

Featured Extras are more recognisable and may have a larger role in the scene, taking some direction or doing a specific action, or even speaking part. A Featured role is paid at a higher rate.

As an Extra you need to be 100% reliable, punctual and professional at all times. Extras work can be anywhere at any time and may involve very early starts. It helps if you have a car or are well versed in using public transport.

It also helps if you have flexibility with your time as the majority of extras work falls on a weekday. If you work part-time, are a student, work casually or are a shift worker this could be just the thing for you

To get you started we need to set up your profile so that we can submit you to casting agents, for this we need a selection of photos – that you can provide us or we can make an appointment in our studio with our professional photographer. We will have a chat to you to discover any hidden talents or skills you may have, and take your measurements. This gives you the opportunity to learn more about what’s involved. We’ll explain how the industry works and how we operate.

Your profile will then be created on our public website with a selection of pictures to show your personality and range of looks, and we can then start submitting you for jobs!

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee work, although we do our best to secure work for every MAMM Talent where possible. As beautiful and talented as you may be, clients are looking for particular looks or skills, and we do not make the final decision. Ultimately it is the client’s decision on talent selections and we don’t have any influence in the selection process.

It can be a long, or very quick process which generally follows the below steps:


YOUR PROFILE: you will have your profile with images and measurements on the MAMM International website and also on Casting Networks, which is a search engine for Casting Agents.

MAMM WILL RECEIVE A BRIEF: our clients and casting directors will look for ‘talent’ by sending us a ‘brief’ outlining their specific requirements. The brief will outline the type of job, the type of talent they are looking for, this may include special abilities may be necessary, the shoot dates and the talent fees.

SUBMISSIONS: MAMM will then submit the talent who are most suited and who match these requirements to the client for consideration.

AUDITIONS or CASTINGS: The client will then make a selection and invite their choices to a casting, or to send in a self tape audition. A casting is where you are invited into the studio and they will take a photo, and may ask you to have a quick chat to camera and introduce yourself and maybe do a specific action or some improvisation. A Self Tape Audition is recorded at home on your device and sent through digitally.

SHORTLISTED CALLBACK: After the initial casting, shortlisted talent may then be required to attend a recall or callback casting (in television and film jobs).

ON HOLD: If you makes it onto the client’s final shortlist, you may be placed on 'hold'. This means they’ve made it through to the final stage and are subject to client approval.

CONFIRMATION or RELEASE: You will either receive a confirmation or be booked for the job, and if not successful you will be released from the on hold status, if not confirmed.

Castings are generally arranged at short notice, sometime within hours on the same day, but most likely the following day. Most castings are booked with an average of 24 hours notice, for the following day. Castings are usually held in the eastern suburbs or inner west or CBD of Sydney.

It all depends on the type of work, the client, where it will be airing/shown and for how long it will be in used. Most times you will be notified of the fee for a job at the time of casting so that you can decide whether you would like to apply for the role. Some talent earn many thousands a year and some only a small amount.

There are minimum pay rates supported by the Media and Arts Alliance that adult background extras in films or TV series get paid a minimum of $123.44* (more for commercials) for a 4 hour call. In practice, TV and film shoots rarely go to schedule and our extras get paid far more than that for each day they spend on set. See MEAA Equity Minimums for more information about minimum pay rates.

* Children working in Film and TV Production are guaranteed a minimum of 50% of the minimum rates for adults or $61.72. All children will be overseen by the NSW Office of Child's Guardian.

As soon as possible… once MAMM receives the funds from the Entertainment Industry Hirer they will be processed as soon as they can and paid to you. However it can take some time for us to get paid by the Entertainment Industry Hirer.

Entertainment Industry Hirers are required by law to pay within 30 days of being invoiced, or otherwise as agreed with you. In our experience TV Series and Films usually pay us within 2- 3 weeks however commercials and print often take longer.

In theory it should never be more than 6 weeks (30 days from Entertainment Industry Hirer and 14 days from us) between working and getting paid for the job. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this is true. A small number of Entertainment Industry do take longer even though it is a violation of The Entertainment Industry Act 2013.

MAMM International is not an exclusive agency, but we view dual representation as problematic because casting director do not know who to book your through if you are presented to them more than once, and a conflict of interests can occur between brands. In some instances a casting director will not consider you if they have seen you from more than 1 agency.

In certain circumstances it is possible to have multiple agents where the agents work in different parts of the industry. For example, some people have one agent for theatrical work and another for TV and Film work. You will need to check with us if there will be a conflict if you belong to another agency.

MAMM is a talent agency and we earn a commission on the work we get our talent which ranges between 10-20% depending on the type of work and production. There may also be admin fees payable.

There are fees associated with registering with an agency, as we need a portfolio of images to be able to submit you for roles and opportunities. As part of joining our talent team we require that professional photos are taken, or submitted, for us to use to put you forward for work. We use these photos on your website profile as well as the main industry websites to enable us to put your best foot forward. Professional actors and experienced talent moving to us from another agency may be exempted from fees or have them deducted from your first job (at the agency's discretion).